
Archive for January, 2013

For 8 years I was eating what Russians eat. I didn’t try to simulate neither the Lebanese nor the Indian cuisine on the banks of Volga river. I avoided imported goods as much as possible. Natural Russian products were not in shortage at all.

Russian (Ukrainian) borsch

Russian (Ukrainian) borsch

Credits should be given to the Russian market for still having local “un-franchised” goods. Near a metro entrance you can see a babushka (elderly women) selling the milk of a cow she is holding in the backyard of her village house, berries gathered in the forests beyond the river. And if you drive some kilometers outside the city you can find a farmer who would supply you with fresh poultry and meat and you would be sure the product you are buying is a 100% natural product. In such farms the animals are grown in a natural way, feeding on the green grass of the fields and are never injected with growth hormones to increase their muscular mass. (more…)

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