
Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

In our mountain villages, a morning can rarely pass without the ‘village microphone’ announcing loudly the news about a death and a funeral in the. My grandfather always asks us to be silent while the announcement is done. He listens carefully then he walks to his room to write down the date and the name of the departed then he gets himself ready to go to the funeral regardless whether he personally knows the departed or not. If not, he would for sure know many of his relative… Death in these villages is a daily news.

Birth is so much the same, but may be less ceremonious. Whenever a women gives birth in the village many acquaintances come to visit, but mainly only women. In the village’s traditional society birth is women’s business, while death is that of men.

My first remembered encounter with death was when my paternal grandfather passed away. I was still 5 years old. read more…

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Website Launched

Untitled Dear Yogis and Yoginis…

I’m so exited to present to you my newly launched website. This blog (and additional pages) are moving to hishamnasr.com.

To keep updated with the latest activities and posts, sign up to the newsletter there.

Thank you for your presence here, and your subscription to the new site. Thank you for allowing the message of consciousness  to manifest!

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For 8 years I was eating what Russians eat. I didn’t try to simulate neither the Lebanese nor the Indian cuisine on the banks of Volga river. I avoided imported goods as much as possible. Natural Russian products were not in shortage at all.

Russian (Ukrainian) borsch

Russian (Ukrainian) borsch

Credits should be given to the Russian market for still having local “un-franchised” goods. Near a metro entrance you can see a babushka (elderly women) selling the milk of a cow she is holding in the backyard of her village house, berries gathered in the forests beyond the river. And if you drive some kilometers outside the city you can find a farmer who would supply you with fresh poultry and meat and you would be sure the product you are buying is a 100% natural product. In such farms the animals are grown in a natural way, feeding on the green grass of the fields and are never injected with growth hormones to increase their muscular mass. (more…)

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