
Archive for the ‘Yoga in Beirut’ Category

I am frequently asked what diet I follow and if I am vegetarian or not. Most of the times I feel I am expected to be a fanatic vegetarian… In answer I will share my experience in this field and I hope the answers I’ve reached may be helpful for you too. My views shared here may seem unorthodox for many vegetarians. I should admit that I prefer to keep my essential practice traditional (no new age, visualizations, wishful thinking, bla bla bla) while adapting totally to the needs of modern life, rather than hiphoping with new stylish practices while holding to ancient slogans on what to eat.


I have been experimenting with yogic diet and vegetarianism since 1997. At that period I thought it was essential for my spiritual evolution to follow the exact instructions of traditional yogic texts (Bhagavad Gita, Siva Samhita, etc) and the traditional Indian classification of food (sattvic, tamasic, rajasic) was the basis of my new diet. Though it is to note that simple vegetarianism is not what these texts recommend.

According to yogic texts food is divided into three categories. (more…)

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Seeds of Bliss3-14Learn a compact effective, effortless practice of Meditation, Yoga, and Energy healing that is most suitable for busy people.

Seeds of Bliss is a full classic yoga course that includes:

  • Learning meditation with personal mantras (specific sounds) that are chosen individually to suit each person’s body type.
  • Training in special breathing techniques (parnayama) combined with simple tools to balance the body’s energy and use this energy for self-healing.
  • Instructions in a balanced set of yogic postures for daily practice. This set activates the body energy in a natural way and keeps the body active and healthy.


Join the upcoming Seeds of Bliss course:
Sat. 1st of March
Sat. 15th of March
For more information contact me 70 628426

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