
Posts Tagged ‘Pumpkin’


With winter on doors and pumpkin ‘Kebbe’ in the stove, pumpkin seeds can be a good health booster. A great source for Zinc, tryptophan (aminoacid), magnesium, phosphorus and variety of types of vitamin E, roasted pumpkin seeds are easily prepared at home.

Health benefits:

1. Anti-oxidants: pumpkin seeds are an easy source for a unique diversity of anti-oxidants.

2. Minerals: quarter a cup of pumpkin seeds (30 g) contain: manganese 1.47 mg, magnesium 190.92 mg, phosphorus 397.64 mg, copper 0.43 mg, zinc 2.52 mg, iron 2.84 mg, giving only 180 kal.

3. Diabetes: studies show pumpkin seeds improve insulin regulation in diabetic patients. It also decreases the oxidative load and protects the kidneys.

4. Anti-bacterial properties: it has been shown that pumpkin seed oil has anti-bacterial, anti fungal and anti-viral properties.

5. Anti-cancer properties: the anti-oxidative effect of pumpkin seeds may serve well as a way to prevent cancer.

Pumpkin seeds can be lightly roasted, added to salads. Raw seeds can be grinded with garlic, parsley and cilantro leaves with olive oil and lemon juice as a dressing. You can also enjoy pumpkin seeds with your favorite oatmeal breakfast.

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